Use Your Real Estate to Serve the Church

We are seeking property owners to partner with Casa Vigeo.

Housing in San Francisco is at a premium, both in terms of cost and also number of available units. For most families, the cost of renting or owning a home is prohibitive, and it’s rare to find an apartment or house large enough to accommodate growing families. We consider the units within the Casa Vigeo network as extensions of our own homes—places of refuge where families can become established.

Property owners with 2+ bedroom apartments or houses in San Francisco are encouraged to partner with Casa Vigeo.

All property owners & housing units must first pass a rigorous screening process. Once approved, Casa Vigeo will discuss the terms of a rental agreement. Casa Vigeo will be the Master Tenant on the Lease, and the program family matched with each property will be tenants-at-will with no formal relationship with the property owner. Rent payments will be made from Casa Vigeo to the property owner/property management company.

For more information, click the link below.