Financial & Spiritual Support for Catholic Families

Casa Vigeo is a religious non-profit that exists to bless and evangelize Catholic families in substantial ways through significant financial and spiritual support.

We see how many Catholic families are struggling--struggling to form close friendships, to find a good parish, to pay their bills, to be generous to the Church in time, talent, and treasure. These families can barely survive, let alone thrive.

We feel this acutely here in San Francisco where it seems the culture is designed for the family to fail. Housing costs are prohibitively expensive, parishes are lackluster, most of us are deep in debt, and the population is so transient, it's nearly impossible to form lasting friendships.

A big problem requires a bold solution.

As the message of the Gospel is a message of hope, Casa Vigeo desires to provide Catholic families with hope for the future.

Through its innovative program supported by radically generous donors, Casa Vigeo enrolls qualifying families and assists them in setting goals to improve their faith formation, financial literacy, and fraternity.

By providing program housing while a family is enrolled, a significant budget surplus is created, making accomplishing the above goals well within reach.

Casa Vigeo accompanies San Francisco's Catholic families, equipping them with tools to not just survive, but to thrive. By giving them a hand up, and not a hand out, the impact will last for generations.

Will you join us?

Become a Casa Vigeo family

Are you a potential donor wanting to use the gifts God has provided, to build His Kingdom?

Are you are landowner desiring to use your residential property to serve the Church?

“I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.”

-Corinthians 3:6-7